Friday, January 9, 2015

Squares and Oats: A long kept secret.

I'm going to tell you a secret...

The truth is...

...that I am a semi-famous guy in the video gaming world.  I know, I know, I'm a nerd.  But I'm a semi-legendary nerd.

My online handle is SquarelyCircle.  I've used this nickname in most online games, but the name is most famous for publishing the once popular Starcraft II mod called "Desert Strike version Square".  In its prime, the mod commanded 60,000 hours of gameplay each day, and continued to see such gameplay statistics for almost a year after I released the mod.  To this day, the most popular versions of the Desert Strike mod are based on my original version for Starcraft II and give credit to SquarelyCircle.  Of note, and to give credit where credit is due, my version was highly based on a previous version of the "Desert Strike" mod for the original Starcraft game by Queen Gambit.

The degree of fame that SquarelyCircle has is pretty impressive.  When using the handle in forums or videogames, I frequently get comments like this one:
"You wouldn't happen to be THE SquarelyCircle from the SC2 WoL mod Desert Strike that has a bunch of popular ripoffs without credit to you, would you? (Awesome game btw, I put quite a few hours into before I got bored of winning :P)"
This particular comment comes from the Starbound forums, but I've been approached dozens of times.  Being called "THE SquarelyCircle" is a fun experience.

This youtube video demonstrates some of the features of my version of Desert Strike.

Another interesting thing about SquarelyCircle is that there has been a professionally written song about him.  After withdrawing from medical school, I felt lost and somewhat depressed.  I spent some time playing DoTA 2, and made many interesting friends.  One of them, whose handle was ZeroCrossing, worked in music composition, and he wrote a song to cheer me up.  I love it.  Listen to the song, it's fun!

Anyway, there's the truth.  Be gentle with my nerd side...

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